M1L & M1R Increases

2021年2月26日—WhenaknittingpatternsaystodoaM1L,forexample,whatitactuallymeansistoincreasetowardsthenextstitchontheneedle.The ...,2023年3月16日—HOWTO:M1R=MAKEONESTITCHRIGHTLEANING(KNITWISE)·1.Separatetheneedlesslightlytolocatetheladderbetweenstitc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


An Easy Trick to Remembering M1R and M1L Increases

2021年2月26日 — When a knitting pattern says to do a M1L, for example, what it actually means is to increase towards the next stitch on the needle. The ...

How to Increase Stitches Using M1L and M1R

2023年3月16日 — HOW TO: M1R = MAKE ONE STITCH RIGHT LEANING (KNITWISE) · 1. Separate the needles slightly to locate the ladder between stitches. · 2. With left ...

How to M1l and M1R

Everything you need to know about the M1L and M1R knitting increases. They form a pair of right and left-leaning increases and are easy to knit.

M1R and M1L Knitting Increase

2018年12月3日 — Both the M1R and M1L are techniques that will increase your knitting by one stitch. The only difference is the direction of the increase. The ...

Make 1 Right (m1R) + Make 1 Left (m1L)

2013年8月13日 — To “make 1 left” (m1L), pick up the bar between the stitch you knit and the one you're about to knit, bringing the needle from front to back.

Make One Stitch

2013年10月3日 — This tutorial explains an increase method that involves lifting and working into the bar between two stitches.


2021年2月26日—WhenaknittingpatternsaystodoaM1L,forexample,whatitactuallymeansistoincreasetowardsthenextstitchontheneedle.The ...,2023年3月16日—HOWTO:M1R=MAKEONESTITCHRIGHTLEANING(KNITWISE)·1.Separatetheneedlesslightlytolocatetheladderbetweenstitches.·2.Withleft ...,EverythingyouneedtoknowabouttheM1LandM1Rknittingincreases.Theyformapairofrightandleft-leaningincreasesandareeasytoknit.,2018年12月...